Un milione di morti in piu’ per i vaccinati sui non

Il governo e la Big Tech stanno attivamente cercando di censurare le informazioni riportate da siti, giornali ed agenzie indipendenti in relazione all’ecatombe di vaccinati multieta’ in atto.

Expose-news.com attesta che secondo il dipartimento governativo del Regno Unito noto come UK Health Agency (UKHSA), al 3 luglio 2022, 18,9 milioni di persone avevano rifiutato la prima dose dell’iniezione di COVID-19, 21,5 milioni di persone avevano rifiutato la seconda dose dell’iniezione di COVID-19. , insieme a 2,6 milioni di persone che avevano ricevuto la prima dose ma hanno rifiutato la seconda, e 30,4 milioni di persone hanno rifiutato la terza dose dell’iniezione di Covid-19 insieme a 8,9 milioni di persone che avevano ricevuto la seconda dose ma hanno rifiutato la terza. ( Fonte )

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Secondo i dati dell’UKHSA, a questo punto 63,4 milioni di persone potevano beneficiare della vaccinazione. Pertanto, 18,9 milioni di persone hanno rifiutato il vaccino contro il Covid-19 in Inghilterra e sono rimaste completamente non vaccinate.

Ma oltre a questo, altri 2,6 milioni hanno rifiutato una seconda dose, il che significa che 21,5 milioni di persone non sono state vaccinate due volte, e 8,9 milioni di persone hanno rifiutato una terza dose, il che significa che 30,4 milioni di persone non sono state vaccinate tre volte.

Ecco come si equivalgono queste cifre in termini di percentuali:

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Nel luglio 2022, il 30% della popolazione inglese rimaneva completamente non vaccinata. Il 34% della popolazione inglese non è stata vaccinata doppiamente e il 50% della popolazione non è stata vaccinata triplamente.

Tuttavia, come mostrato nel grafico seguente, la popolazione vaccinata nel suo insieme ha rappresentato il 95% di tutti i decessi per COVID-19 tra gennaio e maggio 2023, mentre la popolazione non vaccinata ha rappresentato solo il 5%.

Ma è il fatto che questi decessi non avvengano tra la popolazione vaccinata con una o due dosi, ad essere davvero terrificante. La stragrande maggioranza rientra tra i 4 vaccinati, con questa popolazione che rappresenta l’80% di tutti i decessi per COVID-19 e l’83% di tutti i decessi per COVID-19 tra i vaccinati. ( Fonte )

Detto questo, i seguenti dati pubblicati dall’Ufficio per le statistiche nazionali (ONS) nel loro set di dati “Deaths by Vaccination Status”, che può essere trovato sul sito web dell’ONS qui o scaricato qui, rendono la lettura ancora più terrificante.

I seguenti grafici mostrano i decessi per tutte le cause in base allo stato di vaccinazione tra il 1° luglio 2021 e il 31 maggio 2023 per fascia di età. Ogni grafico può essere espanso cliccandoci sopra per vedere le figure più chiaramente. I decessi dei non vaccinati vengono visualizzati per primi in ciascuna fascia di età, mentre i decessi dei vaccinati vengono visualizzati successivamente in ciascuna fascia di età.

Ma non c’è nemmeno bisogno di ingrandire per vedere l’orrenda differenza di decessi in base allo stato di vaccinazione.

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la fonte

Tra luglio e settembre 2021, il numero più alto di decessi per tutte le cause di non vaccinati si è verificato tra i 70 ed i 79 anni in agosto con 676 decessi. Considerando che, il numero più alto di decessi vaccinati per tutte le cause si è verificato tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni nel settembre 2021 con la cifra scioccante di 13.294 decessi.

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Tra ottobre e dicembre 2021, il numero più alto di decessi per tutte le cause di non vaccinati si è verificato tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni a dicembre con 776 decessi. Al contrario, il numero più alto di decessi di vaccinati per tutte le cause si è verificato tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni nel dicembre 2021 con la cifra scioccante di 16.171 decessi.

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la fonte

Tra gennaio e marzo 2022, il numero più alto di decessi per tutte le cause non vaccinati si è verificato tra i 70 e i 79 anni a gennaio con 776 decessi. In confronto, il numero più alto di decessi vaccinati per tutte le cause si è verificato tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni nel gennaio 2022 con la cifra scioccante di 15.948 decessi.

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Tra aprile e giugno 2022, il numero più alto di decessi per tutte le cause non vaccinati si è verificato tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni nel mese di aprile con 500 decessi. Allo stesso tempo, il numero più alto di decessi vaccinati per tutte le cause si è verificato tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni nell’aprile 2022 con la cifra scioccante di 14.902 decessi. E stanno assurgendo a crescente notorieta’, foto e video di medici ed imbalsamatori che hanno estratto dai cadaveri che risultavano vaccinati, filamenti arcani di sostanze misconosciute.

A pie’ di pagina stazionano i commenti e le esperienze personali ed indirette, che numerosi lettori hanno redatto su Expose-news, in relazione ai nocumenti e le dipartite, avutisi dopo l’inoculazione.




Reply to Rich

 11 days ago




Reply to Rich

 10 days ago




 11 days ago



Una persona

A Person

Reply to Petra

 11 days ago

“Deaths by vaccination status, England” (when I put that into a search engine, the link with this info was the first choice by the engine) by the ONS (UK Govt) says in their latest data (May, 2023):

‘C-19’ Toxin Status…Age-standardised mortality rate/100,000 person-years 
1st dose, at least 21 days ago…………..1529.2                
2nd dose, at least 6 months ago………..1298.0          
Booster, at least 21 days ago…………….1145.4                  
2nd Booster, at least 21 days ago……….852.2                     
Ever Vaccinated……………………………….863.2    They are claiming that those who took the toxins had a lower mortality rate overall, though they are interestingly claiming that those who took the only the first 1, 2 or 3 shots had a higher mortality rate than the unpoisoned. But, of course, the health industry generates more money the more shots people take.                    



Marco Diacono

Mark Deacon

Reply to A Person

 11 days ago

Forget standardized mortality it is insignificant. … compare all those unvaccinated and compare to the rest. The difference in total rate of death should be insignificant because the data sample is 100% of the population and not a supposed small %.

Statistics is normally used to project an outcome using a small dataset extrapolated to a whole dataset. Do the numbers you have the total dataset as they recorded the total count of the vaccinated with one or more shots.

It appears they want to break down the vaccinated into smaller groups to hide the total effect on those as a population.

As an example
10 dying at 3 doses, 30 dying at 40 doses is 70 total short and sweet against the 1 or 2 unvaccinated looks far worse than comparing the smaller numbers. I do not expect them to double count the 3 and 4 dose groups.



Anna Britton

Anna britton

 11 days ago

As an unjabbed clinically extremely vulnerable patient, who had type 1 diabetes and was on dialysis 5 days a week and now double transplanted on immunosuppression meds I glad I stood my ground and refused each one even under the pressure of “ypu might not get on the transplant list unless you take it” they will try and say the excess deaths were vulnerable sick people with multiple illnesses like myself and had a high risk of death anyway. I must be a living miracle and with natural products have hardly had a sniffle in the past 3 years considering I’ve never masked or tested even in hospital



Una persona

A Person

Reply to Anna britton

 11 days ago

That is good not to do any of those things but must have come under a fair bit of pressure to refuse masks and PCR blood-brain barrier swabs, let alone the poison injections 🙂. I am guessing that refusing masks is hardest of all 3 in hospital.





Reply to Anna britton

 11 days ago

With a collapsing pension “scheme”, the elderly were the scapegoats via murder, so that the pension “scheme” could survive a few more years at best.





Reply to Anna britton

 11 days ago

I’m happy to hear you stood up to the pressure. I know how difficult that is my 30 yr old son has kidney failure and on dialysis 7 days a week, the pressure he was under to take the jab was unbelievably. They threatened him with not getting on the transplant list, he went into a major depression, even considering giving in to their demands, but I convinced him to stick to his decision and I fought the nhs for 6 months before they eventually gave in and allowed him on the list, almost 3 years now and still no transplant, which has made me wonder if they are still discriminating against him, so I am really happy to hear of someone who has got a transplant after refusing to take the jab. Thank you for sharing with us. Good health to you.





Reply to Elaine

 11 days ago

I should also add that it was thanks to the expose,
that I got my information in order to get a case against the nhs decision to refuse him the right to a transplant.



Una persona

A Person

 11 days ago

61k ‘Unvaccinated’ deaths might still be an inflated number.

E.g. the comments from whistleblower nurse Gail McCrae in the article ‘COVID Nurse Exposes Deadly Hospital Protocols’ on Dec. 13, 2023:

“…So I was fired in October of ’21. So there was six months where I was intermittently in the hospital witnessing how they had altered the Epic system. So my hospital used Epic and in my hospital, specifically, they would come any patient who was diagnosed with ‘COVID’, the chart would automatically populate as unvaccinated and they did not train us how to change the – it was a red bar that went across the top of the chart that said unvaccinated – and they did not teach us how to change that…

…So what would end up happening is that these patients who were actually vaccinated with ‘COVID’, we would try and go in and put notes in that they were vaccinated and that they had ‘COVID’, but to tell you the truth, a lot of the staff members wouldn’t even ask what the patient’s vaccination status was, they would just assume that they were unvaccinated because that’s what we were being told…”



Marco Diacono

Mark Deacon

 11 days ago

And no publicly elected UK politician who is supposed to represent their electorate says anything but 1.





 11 days ago

April to May 2023 for example, 30-49 age group, 70% jabbed max should account for 230% more deaths than unjabbed. But the true figures show 407% more deaths in the jabbed…even with these facts being published, the frogs don’t jump…they knew and know how the masses weak minds work.



Signori Testimoni

Lords Witnesses

 11 days ago

So 70% of the pop of England (the vaxxed) had 94% of the deaths in the last 2 years. And 30% of the pop (the unvaxxed) had 6% of the deaths.

This means that the vaxxed died at a rate of 94/70 = 1.343 %deaths/%pop
Whilst the unvaxxed died at a rate of 6/30 = 0.2 %deaths/%pop

That means the taking the vaccine makes you 1.343/0.2 = 6.715x more likely to die that refusing it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better go and buy some lifeinsurance now or develop some faith in John 3:16!!

Now the vaxxed are slightly older on average than the unvaxxed. But all the (legitimate) age standardisations I have seen do not affect the comparative result by more than a factor of 2. So we can confidently say, that taking the vax makes you personally at least 3x more likely to die than refusing it.

But hey, like Rishi said when he mislead the house: The Vaccines are safe!




The COVID Divide: Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths compared to just 61k Unvaccinated Deaths – Infinite Unknown

 11 days ago

[…] – The COVID Divide: Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths compared to just 61k Un… […]





 11 days ago

Please, let’s stop calling it “vaccination”. Millions refused these death shots. That is the correct term. No wonder we refused them — why would we allow a “dose” of a death brain-destroying heart-destroying shot?



Una persona

A Person

Reply to Dee

 11 days ago

To be in the “in” crowd for a few months until the joy of posting “I got my death shot!” on Facebook wore off? 🤷‍♂️

But all those people on the media were being scary and tricking us 😢.





 10 days ago

Not sure about the numbers. All cause deaths comparine vaccinated and un unvaccinated but a different uptake of these so you cannot just compare the total deaths, but should a percentage of each group?




Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths Compared to 61k Unvaccinated Deaths | Financial Survival Network

 10 days ago

[…] This article was originally published by The Daily Exposé under the title: The COVID Divide: Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccin… […]




U.K. data reveal PANDEMIC of the VACCINATED from 2021 to 2023 – Patriosity.com

 10 days ago

[…] to data from the U.K. Health Security Agency, (UKHSA) there have been approximately 61,000 unvaccinated deaths and approximately one million […]




U.K. data reveal PANDEMIC of the VACCINATED from 2021 to 2023 – NaturalNews.com – Survive the News

 10 days ago

[…] to data from the U.K. Health Security Agency, (UKHSA) there have been approximately 61,000 unvaccinated deaths and approximately one million […]




Shock stats make damning reading as vaccine death toll mounts – UK Reloaded

 10 days ago

[…] EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 15, 2024 Shocking data released by the UK Government shows that over the past two years, the vaccinated […]




U.K. data reveal PANDEMIC of the VACCINATED from 2021 to 2023 – altnews.org

 9 days ago

[…] to data from the U.K. Health Security Agency, (UKHSA) there have been approximately 61,000 unvaccinated deaths and approximately one million […]





 9 days ago

It’s amazing how governments are managing to ignore these numbers




Britse gegevens onthullen een PANDEMIE van de GEVACCINEERDEN van 2021 tot 2023 – World Unity

 9 days ago

[…] Expose-News.com, ONS.uk.gov, […]




Shock stats make damning reading as vaccine death toll mounts | The Liberty Beacon

 8 days ago

[…] EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 15, 2024 Shocking data released by the UK Government shows that over the past two




With a big push now we can finish off the Satanists FOREVER – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

 7 days ago

[…] https://expose-news.com/2024/02/15/analyzing-englands-shocking-c19-vaccine-deaths/ […]




Inculati e rassegnati? – Far-Falla

 7 days ago

[…] The COVID Divide: Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths compared to just 61… […]



 7 days ago

[…] The COVID Divide: Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths compared to just 61… […]



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